Your Springboard to Success!



Complete your profile

For first-time users, please register and complete your profile by providing all the required information. You can register using either a personal or a company identity. Please note that some programme are only available to specific types of applicants.


Submit your application

In the menu bar, click "Entrepreneurship Programmes" and then select "Start my application" to view all the available programmes. Choose the interested program and fill out the application form step-by-step.

To save your application and access it later, click the "Save" button. You can find your saved application under "Manage my application" in the "Entrepreneurship Programmes" section.

Once you have completed the application, click the "Submit" button to proceed to the next stage.


Kickstart your entrepreneurship journey with Cyberport

    Shortlisted applicants will receive an invitation to attend a presentation session, which can be held either physically at Cyberport or online via Zoom. During the session, applicants will have the opportunity to present their ideas to the vetting panel.

    Successful applicants will be welcomed into the Cyberport Community and receive support from various aspects, including talent training, seed funding, go-to-market assistance, and investor matching.